Blogging Encounters of the Boring Kind

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I've been tagged!!

Well, it looks like I've been tagged. Can't remember when the last time was that I played tag... Thanks Nine Cats for tagging me!

Five Things in the Refrigerator
1. Vienna Beef Franks
2. Marconi Hot Giardinera
3. Diet pepsi
4. Del Alpe Hot Giardinaera Relish
5. Welch's Grape Jelly

Five Things in the Closet
1. Walter Payton jersey
2. laundry hamper
3. winter coats
4. Washer and Dryer (it's like a walk THROUGH closet to my bathroom)
5. Dress shoes and gym shoes

Five Things in the Wallet
1. Drivers license
2. Credit cards
3. Grocery store cards
4. NASCAR Schedule
5. Money

Five Things in the Car
1. Tools
2. Maps
3. Blanket
4. Empty soda bottles
5. old frensh fries not yet cleaned out from under the seat

Five People to Tag
1. Nine Cats
2. Taz
3. Nuggie
4. ?
5. ?


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