Blogging Encounters of the Boring Kind

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Well that was humbling!

Well if you look back on the Revelations post you'll see where I spilled out some bad behavior of mine that occured over the past three years, and quite honestly even occured quite recently. Well, the person that was the object of my obsession just spilled out their own side of the story, albeit not directly to me, but yeah, I know where it was going.

As a side note: I'm being deliberately vague here. Some will know what I'm talking about, but I'd rather keep it to those already in the know. It's for the same reason that I'm not linking to what was said.

I'm the type of person that sometimes needs a somewhat extreme circumstance to change my ways, and while an online dressing down is not exactly extreme, in this case I think maybe the point was finally driven home. I do need to spend less time worrying about something that happened three years ago, and more time focusing on making things better in the here and now.

One interesting point though, is that in reading the words that laid out what someone else thinks of me, I think I may finally have the answers I spent three years trying to find. If my hunch is correct, then my earlier assertion that the other person is not all innocent still holds true, but it's even more obvious that my bad behavior was much worse, because until now I never knew exactly how they felt.

The hardest part is in admitting that a catalyst for this whole mess was my own unfufilling life. I'm not very good socially, which makes me feel awkward when I go out, and also makes it hard to have a consistent love life. I've been admitting these issues to myself for years, and have even had them pointed out to me by friends and ex's, but as usual it took unfortunate circumstances to drive the point home.


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