Didja Miss Me?
Ok so it's been about a month and a half since I last graced this place with a new, yet dull as always, posting. Seems as though the passing of the past drama has sucked me dry of any material to write about.
There are a couple of pieces of news:
1) I have now been smoke free for OVER 6 months!! 6 COLD TURKEY months at that!! Here's the story...
Back in early April I made the decision to quit, and proceeded to go on the patch. Well that lasted less than a week and on one Saturday I smoked like a chimney. My girlfriend at the time was none too happy, and I felt a sudden rush of guilt in disappointing her. I threw away 2 unopened packs and haven't looked back. That was April 15th (Tax day to add an ironic twist). Since then I haven't had an inkling of a craving, and can't for the life of me even picture myself with a cigarette. Guess that goes to show how much smoking was NOT me, despite the fact that I did it for 15 years. Now about this 20 extra pounds....
2) We're moving at work. Less than three miles, to a bigger facility that will lend itself to more organization and I'm sure more efficient productivity, but damn has it been a clusterf***!! The root of the entire problem was that the town we're moving into dragged their behinds on issuing the construction permits necessary to make the new building suitable for us. This of course delayed our efforts to actually move in, and due to a tight deadline to leave the old building, we've been forced to move in while the construction is still underway. The nightmare should be over by the end of this week!
That's about all for now. If you're tuning in for drama reports, there will be no more after today, period! The "cool crowd" has their own little sheltered universe now, where it seems I've even made the Hall of Fame. I will truly cherish this honor for as long as I live, because it only strengthens and reaffirms the opinions of I have of those that bestowed it on me.
One more thought.....